JavaScript fwdays’23 | Program guide

7 min readMay 15, 2023


Join us to learn more about #JavaScript!

We have prepared a program guide for you — feel free to read it, comment, and join us online on May 16 and 20 for the event. The conference will be held in Ukrainian and English; the timetable indicates Eastern European Summer Time.

For quick updates, communication and questions, we use a Discord chat and Telegram chat, join it to keep up with the news 😉

In addition to text chats, in Discord, you can join a voice chat with our online speakers.

🗓 Dates: May 16 & 20 is the main conference day, May 15 is an additional one.

The owners of Online Full tickets will also have a workshops:

– by Denys Mishunov on May 15. The workshop topic is “Iteration as a Path to Perfection”;

– by Oleh Melnychuk on May 15. The workshop topic is “Building Decentralised Chat with Next.js”;

– by Arman Murzabulatov on May. The workshop topic is “Building Modern Web Applications with Firebase (and Angular)”

We have prepared for you a short instruction on how to connect to the conference👇

May 16 (Tuesday)

13:00 — Conference opening and the start of presentations

We will start with a welcome speech from the event organizers and mention practical points that will come in handy for you before and during the conference.

More information about the presentations.


Visualised guide to memory management in JavaScript, Kateryna Porshnieva, [eng][Intermediate-Advanced]

“Memory management can be an overwhelming topic to navigate. This talk is the result of my journey down the rabbit hole to better understand it myself. By drawing on my research and experience, I’ve put together a comprehensive guide that covers everything from hardware implementation to the inner workings of V8.”

13:50 — Break (10 min)


Easy and scalable serverless backend for your next mobile or web app, Arman Murzabulatov, [eng][Intermediate]

“I’ll share my experience utilizing Firebase facilities such as authentication, Realtime DB vs Firestore, Cloud Functions, Firebase ML, and others. Examples would be based on an Angular-based web app, but the practices can easily be used with React, VueJS, or any other modern FE framework.”

14:40 Break (20 min)

⏰ 15:00

You’re probably using Lighthouse wrong: How do we misuse the most common tool to measure web performance?, Filip Rakowski, [eng][Intermediate]

“These days, web performance is one of the most important things everyone wants to optimize on their apps, and it’s clear to everyone how dramatic the impact of a poorly optimized website is on business. Yet we as an industry completely fail in recognizing its complexity and widely misuse the most common tool to measure it — Google Lighthouse. If you’re one of those people thinking that good performance equals a good Lighthouse score, you’ve also fallen into this trap and this talk is for you. You will learn when the Google Lighthouse audit results can trick you and how to make good decisions based on its output.”

15:40 Break (10 min)

⏰ 15:50 Lightning talk

Code Under Fire: The Story of How Ukraine’s Tech Community Endured War, Daria Tkhorevska, [eng]

“Code Under Fire” is a talk that shares the inspiring stories of Ukraine’s tech community during a time of war. Dealing with challenges, from finding an electricity source to finding a new employer due to political beliefs, tech people became one of the driving forces that brings our victory even closer. Through their stories, this talk highlights the extraordinary resilience of Ukraine’s tech industry during a time of adversity.”

16:05 Break (15 min)

⏰ 16:20

Build better apps using CRDTs, Eric Meier, [eng][Intermediate]

“Have you ever wondered what makes using Linear feel so good? How can you make your app feel responsive, even on bad connections or without one at all? In this presentation, I will introduce CRDTs and explain how you can leverage them to achieve this. I will briefly introduce the libraries and tools that make building React apps using CRDTs a breeze and walk you through updating an existing app to take advantage of them. Additionally, I will share lessons I have learned from building collaborative apps throughout my career.”

17:00 Break (10 min)

⏰ 17:10

Leveraging the Event Loop for Blazing-Fast Applications!, Michael Di Prisco, [eng][Intermediate]

“Can the Microtask Queue help you improve your performances by 100x? It turns out it can, but how? JavaScript is single-threaded, yet it provides a really powerful Event Loop to allow non-blocking operations, so let’s try to tame this beast together and get the most out of it! As I like to say: The Event Loop is the only infinite loop you’ll love.”

17:50 Break (10 min)

⏰ 18:00

A Tale of Two Webs, Kyle Simpson, [eng][Beginner]

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Dickens’ famous words in “A Tale of Two Cities” lays out a timeless comparison, the paradox of how the situations we find ourselves in can be both terrible and hopeful at the same time. We’ll look at the web (past, present, and future) through these lenses, and hope to inspire the challenges and changes we should be tackling to remake the web into something better.”

18:40 Break (10 min)

⏰ 18:50

Caching for Cash, Kent C. Dodds, [eng][Advanced]

“In this talk, Kent will explain the key principles of caching. We’ll go through several real world examples of issues where caching is a great solution. We’ll also explore different approaches and their associated trade-offs. We’ll cover a ton of ground here. This one’s gonna be fun!”

⏰ ​​19:30 — Closing (10 min)

Participants with purchased tickets will have access to broadcasts for three months.

Enjoy the presentations!

May 20 (Saturday)

11:00 — Conference opening and the start of presentations

We will start with a welcome speech from the event organizers and mention practical points that will come in handy for you before and during the conference.

More information about the presentations.


Optimization and hares, Serhii Babich, [ukr] [Intermediate]

“Throw your useEffect and useCallback to hell! Have you been told that they optimize your code? Ha! They don’t optimize anything! Don’t believe? Then be sure to watch my talk on why in 99% of cases these hooks are not only unnecessary, but even harmful to the performance of your code.”

11:50 Break (10 min)

⏰ 12:00

AWS CDK. Infrastructure as a code with TypeScript, Yurii Myrosh, [ukr] [Advanced]

“I will tell you how we did the project without DevOps. We will go through the basic concepts of AWS CDK. Let’s get acquainted with the services, write and deploy an application for user management on AWS.”

12:40 Break (20 min)

⏰ 13:00

Running Node.js in your browser with WebContainers, Oleksandr Zinevych, [ukr] [Intermediate]

“We are already got used to continuous migration from desktop to the web and to the fact that Web Browser powered by Javascript, WASM, etc. can replace a huge amount of desktop applications. In this talk, I’ll talk about WebContainers as another step in this direction, which brings Node.js runtime directly to your browser. Why do we need Node.js in the browser at all? Will it work in any real use case, not just on the demo site? But is it a good step in general? All this and a few more questions I will try to answer in my presentation.”

13:40 Break (10 min)

⏰ 13:50 Lightning talk

The Developer’s Guide to Crafting a Personal Brand in 2023, Daria Tkhorevska, [ukr]

“In this talk, we will explore the reasons why it is crucial for developers to start building their personal brand in 2023.

We will discuss how building a personal brand can help stand out from the competition, increase visibility, build credibility, and build a community. We will discuss how having a personal brand can help you protect your job by showing off your skills and making you a thought leader.

You’ll leave with practical tips and tricks for building a personal brand as a developer in 2023.”

14:10 Break (10 min)

⏰ 14:20

Grokking System Design interview for Front-end engineer, Oleksii Levzhynskyi, [ukr] [Intermediate]

“The System Design interview is a relatively new type of interview for the front-end. However, it’s been a default interview in Grammarly for quite a while. I will show an almost real-life example, and we will discuss what to pay attention to during such interviews.”

15:00 Break (10 min)

⏰ 15:10

Developing decentralized chat with Next.js, Oleh Melnychuk, [ukr] [Intermediate]

“Developers often consider blockchain and Web3 to be complex and requiring new specific knowledge, languages, and concepts. However, it is possible to develop decentralized applications using a standard web developer toolkit. This presentation will explore the basic differences in developing Web3 applications, using the example of creating a decentralized chat application that interacts with blockchain and a distributed file system, using Next.js and a few small JS libraries. The nuances of working with Next.js will also be discussed, and the author will explain why they use it for most of their web applications.”

15:50 Break (10 min)

⏰ 16:00

Web accessibility. This is important for everyone, Roman Savitskyi, [ukr] [Intermediate]

“The truth about who needs web accessibility, why people without any limitations end up in accessibility situations, and how to help them. It’s not every day that a developer explores accessibility, but it would be cool to understand how to do it and what applications could be used. Overview, discussion, for Saturday evening.”

16:40 Break (10 min)

⏰ 16:50

# Re: regarding the migration to Vue.js 3 — a letter to myself in the past, Illya Klymov, [ukr] [Intermediate]

“In this talk, Illya will try to focus not on Vue, but to share thoughts on approaches to problems of this size, level of uncertainty, and complexity. This will be a letter about people, about faith and surprises.”

⏰ ​​17:30 — Closing (10 min)

Participants with purchased tickets will have access to broadcasts for three months.

Enjoy the presentations!


See you on the 16th & 20th of May! 🤗




Written by Fwdays

We organize large conferences (JS, PHP, .NET, Highload, etc.) and meetups

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