We’re introducing the next discussion which will take place on August 15 (this Saturday), before lunch on the second day of free Data Science fwdays’20 online conference. It is called ML beyond metrics Discussion 😎
Vladislav Mats (Head of Research, with main interests in computer science, deep learning, economy, algorithmic trading, medicine) is the moderator of this discussion, and he has gathered a great group of experts.
Please, meet them:
📣 Alex Lazarev — Head of Research, specialized in CV, Deep Learning/Machine Learning.
📣 Alexander Onbysh — Head of ML Pipelines, whose main field of interest is high-load distributed systems.
Over the past 2 decades, machine learning has made tremendous breakthroughs in all directions. As a result, Google Translate, autopilot, and Face ID have become an integral part of our lives.
At the same time, there are many areas of human life where the implementation of machine learning takes place with much greater effort, and the reason for this is often not the inefficiency of existing ML algorithms.
The legal and moral-ethical issues that arise during the transfer of responsibility for decisions from person to machine become much larger obstacles, which will be discussed in this discussion.
The discussion will be held in Russian
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